Real Khaber

India Gate-Sized Asteroids To Race Past Earth On 24 of Jan,2024.At 97,200 Kmph.

India Gate-Sized Asteroids To Race Past Earth On 24 of Jan,2024.At 97,200 Kmph.

Asteriods (rocky Objects between mars & jupiter ) named 2024 AL6 will pass by our living planet Earth on january 24, 2024.It was seen in the near to our earth . It wad seen in last year it had a close encounter with mars. But India Gate-Sized Asteroids To Race Past Earth On 24 of Jan,2024.At 97,200 Kmph.

India Gate-Sized Asteroids To Race Past Earth On 24 Jan,2024
India Gate-Sized Asteroids To Race Past Earth On 24 Jan,2024


We need not to be afraid as it won’t came harm to us and others life forms on earth. There is no threat &  of an impact during the near approach. The asteriods will zip past safely this time & also no major asteriods impact is expected for next 11000 years.

2024 AL6 belongs to a swam of asteroids that are in similar neighbourhood around the sun as our earth, this is nothing by Apollos. These are (NEOs) that is Near Earth Objects, they have orbits which are larger than our earth but they intersecting with that of our earth.

It often happens many Asteriods this way visits to Earth but 2024 AL6 is not including among them.

India Gate-Sized Asteroids To Race Past Earth On 24 Jan,2024

This rarely occuring rocky objects between the planet Mars and Jupiter (Asteriods) will take place on 24-january 2024.2024 AL6 will hustle part planet Earth at 27.01 km/sec.

About this asteriods it measures b/w 20-24 meters wide & will approach with 20,77,630 km of earth and this is less than the distance b/w earth and its natural satellite (moon). this will not reach the Earth atmosphere this time and for next 1000 years

But Asteriods of this velocity often destructive , not this time. if this hits the atmosphere, without actually reaching the surface of earth it happens so, then 2024 AL6 would release the energy which can be equal to 15 megaton of TNT.

India Gate-Sized Asteroids To Race Past Earth On 24 of Jan,2024.At 97,200 Kmph.

This can cause fireballs of radius 1.6 km. and results in death of around 10 million life forms if take place in highly populated area and about 8 million people can get burn injuries, the objects near can catch fire, including trees near to 36 km. these would knock down trees within a radius of 15 km.


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